Paris for UK Local Government mail optimization

Generate significant savings by optimizing UKLG mailings

Local Authorities send large volumes of documents, correspondence and communications to citizens, landlords, and other stakeholders each and every year. The costs of producing these mail items continue to climb, putting pressures on local authorities who are faced with decreasing budgets.

“Push the single envelope” with automated mail consolidation

Local Authorities send large volumes of documents, correspondence and communications to citizens, landlords, and other stakeholders each and every year. The costs of producing these mail items continue to climb, putting pressures on local authorities who are faced with decreasing budgets.

A common problem across local authorities is that they generate multiple documents for delivery to the same recipient, at the same time but, there is no easy way to consolidate them. An example of this is a Benefits letter and a Tax Bill. An unconsolidated process is not only costly but increases call centre activity due to delivery timing issues and the associated confusion of citizens.

XLPrint Software has a unique solution that addresses these problems and is simple and quick to deploy. The solution is funded entirely by savings generated, allowing local authorities to immediately release funds/savings. The model is simple: you don’t pay if you don’t save!

Using the PARIS Mail solution, local authorities can now reduce the number of mailings by up to 40%. PARIS Mail intelligently identifies and merges multiple documents for the same recipient into a single envelope.

The process is also simple – council communications (such as tax bills, housing and development letters) are created the exact same way as they are today. Either annually or on and ad-hoc basis, created directly from the host application – e.g. Civica, Northgate, or Capita. Where there are multiple documents to be sent to the same recipient, PARIS Mail will intelligently consolidate those items, ready to be put into a single envelope. PARIS is also smart enough to add features like OMR marks for integration with inserting machines, integrate with other mail optimisation software for Royal Mail discounts, and also work in co-operation with a local authority’s outsourcer arrangement. The key benefit being that the local authority retains control of the workflow and more importantly, savings generated!

Typically a Local Authority utilising our PARIS Mail consolidation service can realise a 25% reduction in mailings with an initial merge of Housing Benefit and Council Tax notifications and a typical housing organisation could realise a reduction of over 22%.